viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

M.T.C.D. (Manchester, England). Bus ticket with publicity of Heywood's Tower Brand

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Old bus ticket No. Sc 7563, 6d, with publicity on the back: "Heywood's Tower Brand Varnish Stains and Brilliant Enamels".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antiguo billete de autobús núm. Sc 7563, 6d, con publicidad al dorso: "Heywood's Tower Brand Varnish Stains and Brilliant Enamels".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antic bitllet d'autobús núm. Sc 7563, 6d, amb publicitat al dors: "Heywood's Tower Brand Varnish Stains and Brilliant Enamels".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Ancien billet de bus nº Sc 7563, 6d, avec publicité sur le rétro: "Heywood's Tower Brand Varnish Stains and Brilliant Enamels".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antico biglietto d'autobs nº Sc 7563, 6d, con pubblicità sul retro: "Heywood's Tower Brand Varnish Stains and Brilliant Enamels".

Traveler's collection.

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