viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

M.T.C.D. (Manchester, England). Bus ticket with publicity of Ty.Phoo

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Old bus ticket No. Af 3954, 6d, with publicity on the back: "Drink Ty.Phoo, the Economical Tea".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antiguo billete de autobús núm. Af 3954, 6d, con publicidad al dorso: "Drink Ty.Phoo, the Economical Tea".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antic bitllet d'autobús núm. Af 3954, 6d, amb publicitat al dors: "Drink Ty.Phoo, the Economical Tea".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Ancien billet de bus nº Af 3954, 6d, avec publicité sur le rétro: "Drink Ty.Phoo, the Economical Tea".

MTCD (Manchester Corporation Transport Department). Antico biglietto d'autobs nº Af 3954, 6d, con pubblicità sul retro: "Drink Ty.Phoo, the Economical Tea".

Traveler's collection.

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