martes, 17 de enero de 2012

NAGOYA TV TOWER / 名古屋テレビ塔 (Japan)

NAGOYA TV TOWER / 名古屋テレビ塔 

[The Nagoya TV Tower is an electric wave tower. It is the oldest TV tower in Japan, and was completed in 1954. It is located in the centre of Hisaya Ōdori Park. The tower is 180 metres high, and has two main observation decks at the heights of 90 metres (the indoor Sky Deck) and 100 metres (the outdoor Sky Balcony). The tower also includes a restaurant and gallery at 30 metres.]

Skyticket Nº 1391. 30.12.2011. ¥ 600,00.

Gracias a Mónica Q.

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