domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

t/ss "Stefan Batory", Polish Ocean Lines / Polskie Linie Oceaniczne

t/ss "Stefan Batory", BRT 15 024. Polish Ocean Lines (Polskie Linie Oceaniczne). Photo: J. Uklejewski. Postcard by Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 22-3557 / III-3-35/I/75 (1975).
[The "Stefan Batory" was an ocean liner built in Holland in 1952 under the name of SS "Maasdam", initially used to service the Dutch East Indies by the Holland America Line. She was bought from Holland in 1968 and began service as a Polish ocean liner in April 1969 as a replacement for the obsolete MS "Batory", both named after a king of Poland Stefan Batory (1533-1586). After she was refitted and renamed she became the flagship of the Polish Ocean Lines in the 1970s and 1980s and mainly sailed from Gdynia-Copenhagen-Rotterdam-London-Montreal-Southampton-Rotterdam-Copenhagen-Gdynia. She remained in service until 1988 and was the last regularly scheduled transatlantic liner. She was scrapped in Aliağa, Turkey in May 2000.] 

El t/ss "Stefan Batory", BRT 15 024. Líneas Oceánicas Polacas (Polskie Linie Oceaniczne). Foto: J. Uklejewski. Tarjeta postal de Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 22-3557 / III-3-35/I/75 (1975).

El t/ss "Stefan Batory", BRT 15 024. Línies Oceàniques Poloneses (Polskie Linie Oceaniczne). Foto: J. Uklejewski. Targeta postal de Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 22-3557 / III-3-35/I/75 (1975).

Le t/ss "Stefan Batory", BRT 15 024. Lignes Océaniques Polonaises (Polskie Linie Oceaniczne). Photo: J. Uklejewski. Carte postale de Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 22-3557 / III-3-35/I/75 (1975). 

Il t/ss "Stefan Batory", BRT 15 024. Linee Oceaniche Polacche (Polskie Linie Oceaniczne). Foto: J. Uklejewski. Cartolina della Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 22-3557 / III-3-35/I/75 (1975).

Traveler's collection.

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