sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

GREEK LINE. S.S. "New York" arriving at Boston, September 1956

GREEK LINE. S.S. "New York" arriving at Boston, September 1956. Photo by John Blake; from the Collection of Richard I. Weiss. Postcard by C.T. Publishing, No. 017.
[This ship was nomed SS "Nea Hellas" (Νεα Ελλασ) between 1939 and 1955, and renamed "New York" between 1955 and 1961. It brought many Greek emigrants and other Europeans to America, specially to the US and Canada. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRQCW0pkvj8.]

GREEK LINE. El S.S. "New York" a su llegada a Boston (EUA), 09.1956. Foto: John Blake; de la colección de Richard I. Weiss. Tarjeta postal de C.T. Publishing, N.º 017.

GREEK LINE. El S.S. "New York" arribant a Boston (EUA), 09.1956. Foto: John Blake; de la col·lecció de Richard I. Weiss. Targeta postal de C.T. Publishing, núm. 017.

GREEK LINE. Le S.S. "New York" à son arrivée à Boston (RUA), 09.1956. Photo: John Blake; de la collection de Richard I. Weiss. Carte postale de C.T. Publishing, Nº 017.

GREEK LINE. Il S.S. "New York" in arrivo a Boston (SUA), 09.1956. Foto: John Blake; dalla collezione di Richard I. Weiss. Cartolina di C.T. Publishing, Nº 017.

Traveler's collection.

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