viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010


THE LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY (England) [the world's first electrically-operated overhead railway. The railway ran close to the River Mersey in Liverpool, England, following the line of Liverpool Docks. The opening was in 1893 with closure in 1956]. Publicitary poster. Photo: The Trustees of the Science Museum. Postcard by Mumbles Railway Cards, MRP/25.

THE LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY (Inglaterra) [la primera línea ferroviaria eléctrica en superficie del mundo. Abierta en 1893, se clausuró en 1956]. Cartel publicitario. Foto: The Trustees of the Science Museum. Tarjeta postal de Mumbles Railway Cards, MRP/25.

THE LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY (Anglaterra) [la primera línia ferroviària elèctrica en superfície del món. Oberta l'any 1893, es clausurà el 1956]. Cartell publicitari. Foto: The Trustees of the Science Museum. Targeta postal de Mumbles Railway Cards, MRP/25.

THE LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY (Angleterre) [la première ligne de chemin de fer électrique en superfice du monde. Ouverte en 1893, a été fermée en 1956]. Poster publicitaire. Photo: The Trustees of the Science Museum. Carte postale de Mumbles Railway Cards, MRP/25.

THE LIVERPOOL OVERHEAD RAILWAY (Inghilterra) [la prima linea ferroviaria elettrica in superficie del mondo. Aperta nel 1893, venne chiusa nel 1956]. Manifesto pubblicitario. Foto: The Trustees of the Science Museum. Cartolina di Mumbles Railway Cards, MRP/25.

Traveler's collection.

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