miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "By Rail to Wales. For speed and comfort"

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "By Rail to Wales. For speed and comfort". Publicitary poster by the artist Wootton. Postcard by Avon-Anglia Publications & Services, BRP 64.

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "Con tren a Gales. Por rapidez y comodidad". Cartel publicitario del artista Wootton. Tarjeta postal de Avon-Anglia Publications & Services, BRP 64.

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "Amb tren a Gal·les. Per rapidesa i comoditat". Cartell publicitari de l'artista Wootton. Targeta postal d'Avon-Anglia Publications & Services, BRP 64.

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "Avec le train à Galles. Pour rapidité et comfort". Affiche publicitaire de l'artiste Wootton. Carte postale d'Avon-Anglia Publications & Services, BRP 64.

BRITISH RAILWAYS. "Col treno a Galles. Per rapidità e comfort". Manifesto pubblicitario dell'artista Wootton. Cartolina di Avon-Anglia Publications & Services, BRP 64.

Traveler's collection.

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