Biglietto AE 5378302 da Trieste Centrale a Venezia Mestre, via Monfalcone e Portogruaro, Km 148. 01.12.2012, 14:28. Tariffa intera, EUR. 11,00.
El cajón del viajero ~ El calaix del viatger ~ Le tiroir du voyageur ~ Il cassetto del viaggiatore
Biglietto AE 5378302 da Trieste Centrale a Venezia Mestre, via Monfalcone e Portogruaro, Km 148. 01.12.2012, 14:28. Tariffa intera, EUR. 11,00.
Boarding pass for the flight AM 0272 from Ciudad de México to Los Cabos. 06.07.2019. 10:50 h.
Gracias a Arturo.
SAS - Scandinavian Airlines.
Boarding pass for the flight SK4425 from Tromsø to Oslo. 30.07.2019, 17:05 h.
Boarding pass for the flight LX1217 from Oslo to Zurich. 30.07.2019, 19:40 h.
Gracias a Arturo.
Boarding pass for the flight A3701 from Madrid to Athens. 07.08.2019.
Gracias a Arturo.