miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Mailboat "Prins Albert" (Belgium) in Ostende

Mailboat "Prins Albert" (Belgium) in Ostend. Postcard by Thill, Brussels, nº 3.
["Prins Albert" was a Belgian steamer to Ostend-Dover service line maintained. It was built in 1937 in Ostend and commissioned in 1938. The ship was already lined modern for that time and had a chimney, with the traditional beige color, bordered with black top. It had two masts and had four lifeboats on each side. Before the German invasion in May 1940, the Belgian mail boats fled to Britain where they were later used for troop transports and the Allies.]

Buque correo "Prins Albert" (Bélgica), que cubría la línia Ostende-Dover (Inglaterra) en Ostende. Tarjeta postal de Thill, Bruselas, nº 3.

Vaixell correu "Prins Albert" (Bèlgica), que cobria la línia Ostende-Dover (Anglaterra) a Ostende. Targeta postal de Thill, Brussel·les, nº 3.

La Malle "Prins Albert" (Belgique), qui faisait la ligne Ostende-Dover (Angleterre), à Ostende. Carte postale de Thill, Bruxelles, nº 3.

Il battello postale "Prins Albert" (Belgio), que faceva la linea Ostenda-Dover (Inghilterra) a Ostenda. Cartolina di Thill, Bruxelles, nº 3.

Traveler's collection.

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