lunes, 24 de marzo de 2025

НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ КИЄВО-ПЕЧЕРСЬКИЙ ІСТОРИКО-КУЛЬТУРНИЙ ЗАПОВІДНИК [National Kyiv-Pechers Historical-Cultural Reserve], Kyiv, Ukraine

[National Kyiv-Pechers Historical-Cultural Reserve]

Admission ticket series DP Nº 204422.
25 grn.

This Orthodox monastic complex, known as the Monastery of the Caves, is one of the largest Christian centers in Ukraine. It was founded in 1051 by the monk Anthony as a monastery in a cave on the outskirts of kyiv. Between 1060 and 1062, the first wooden monastery was built on that site, and later other buildings began to be erected, including the first construction of the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin. A fire caused extensive damage in 1718, and the archive and printing press were completely destroyed. Reconstruction took ten years during this period. Most of the churches that can be seen today were built: the new Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, the Trinity Gate Church, the Church of All Saints, etc. Construction of the Great Bell Tower began in 1731. The last major work was the Refectory, which was built between 1893 and 1895. In 1926, the Soviet authorities closed the monastery, which was transformed into a state museum. In June 1988, on the occasion of the millennium of the Orthodox Church, all the buildings in the complex were returned to the Church. The complex has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. 

Traveler's collection.

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