sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

TEATER "VANEMUINE", Tartu, Estonia. 125th anniversary. Commemorative postcard

Commemorative postcard.
Illustration by Maret Olvet.

Vanemuine (lit. 'Eldermost') is a theatre in Tartu. It is the first Estonian-language theatre. Stemming from the Vanemuine Society (1865), the theatre's first performance was Lydia Koidula's Saaremaa Onupoeg ('The cousin from Saaremaa') at the society's fifth anniversary. The original Vanemuine Society House operated for 33 years before being destroyed by fire in 1903. The new hall, designed by the Finnish architect Armas Lindgren, was opened on 13 August 1906.

Traveler's collection.

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