miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

ISLE OF MAN (UK). Manx Electric Railway. Car 6 on the section from Laxey to the mountains

ISLE OF MAN (UK). Manx Electric Railway. Car 6 on the section from Laxey to the mountains.
[The Manx Electric Railway is an electric inter-urban tramway connecting Douglas, Laxey and Ramsey in the Isle of Man. The first section of the line, from the northern end of the promenade at Douglas to Groudle Glen, opened in 1893, the line reaching Laxey in 1894 (the mountain railway was established the following year and starts from Laxey Station within the same environs) and finally Ramsey in 1899.]

ISLA DE MAN (Reino Unido). Manx Electric Railway. Coche 6 en el tramo entre Laxey y las montañas.

ILLA DE MAN (Regne Unit). Manx Electric Railway. Cotxe 6 en el tram entre Laxey i les muntanyes.

ÎLE DE MAN (Royaume-Uni). Manx Electric Railway. Voiture 6 entre Laxey et les montagnes.

ISOLA DI MAN (Regno Unito). Manx Electric Railway. Vettura 6 fra Laxey e le montagne.

Traveler's collection.

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