domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

GREENWICH (London, England). National Maritime Museum & Royal Observatory

GREENWICH (London, England). National Maritime Museum & Royal Observatory. Ticket 1 Day Student Nº 210018752. 24.07.2011. £5.00.
[The National Maritime Museum (NMM) in Greenwich is the leading maritime museum of the United Kingdom and may be the largest museum of its kind in the world. The historic buildings forming part of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site, it also incorporates the Royal Observatory. The Museum was created by the National Maritime Act of 1934. It is based on the generous donations of Sir James Caird (1864–1954). King George VI formally opened the Museum on April 27, 1937.
The Royal Observatoryh (formerly the Royal Greenwich Observatory or RGO) played a major role in the history of astronomy and navigation, and is best known as the location of the prime meridian. It is situated on a hill in Greenwich Park. The observatory was commissioned in 1675 by King Charles II. 1998 RGO closes and the Observatory become part of the National Maritime Museum.]

GREENWICH (Londres, Inglaterra). Museo Marítimo Nacional y Observatorio Real. Billete de entrada de estudiante Nº 210018752. 24.07.2011. £5.00.

GREENWICH (Londres, Anglaterra). Museu Marítim Nacional i Observatori Reial. Bitllet d'entrada d'estudiant Nº 210018752. 24.07.2011. £5.00.

GREENWICH (Londres, Angleterre). Musée Maritime National et Observatoire Royal. Billet d'entrée pour étudiant Nº 210018752. 24.07.2011. £5.00.

GREENWICH (Londra, Inghilterra). Museo Marittimo Nazionale e Osservatorio Reale. Biglietto d'ingresso per studenti Nº 210018752. 24.07.2011. £5.00.

Traveler's collection.
Thanks to Johan (

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