jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

CHRISTCHURCH (New Zealand). Tramcar passing by the Arts Centre (2004)

CHRISTCHURCH (New Zealand). One of Christchurch tramcars travelling the city loop route passing by the Christchurch Arts Centre, Canterbury. Photo: Peter Morath. Postcard by Colourview Publications, CC 120. (2004)

CHRISTCHURCH (Nueva Zelanda). Uno de los tranvías que circulan por la ciudad ante el Centro de Artes de Canterbury. Foto: Peter Morath. Tarjeta postal de Colourview Publications, CC 120. (2004)

CHRISTCHURCH (Nova Zealand). Un dels tramvias que circulen per la ciudad davant del Centr d'Arts de Canterbury. Foto: Peter Morath. Targeta postal de Colourview Publications, CC 120. (2004)

CHRISTCHURCH (Nouvelle-Zélande). L'un des trams qui circulent par la ville devant le Centre d'Arts de Canterbury. Photo: Peter Morath. Carte postale de Colourview Publications, CC 120. (2004)

CHRISTCHURCH (Nuova Zelanda). Uno dei tram che circolano per la città davanti del Centro d'Arti di Canterbury. Foto: Peter Morath. Cartolina di Colourview Publications, CC 120. (2004)

Traveler's collection.

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