sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 (1996)

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Verão 1996.

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Summer 1996.

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Verano 1996.

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Estiu 1996.

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Été 1996.

PORTUGAL TELECOM. Telecom Card 50 Nº 0327791. Estate 1996.

Traveler's collection.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Thank you for your kind comment.

    If you have photos of your products installed in the street, I can publish this photos in my blog.

    Best regards from Barcelona.
