martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

CONRAIL (USA). 10-trip ticket between Reading (PA) and Pottsville (PA)

CONRAIL (Consolidated Rail Corporation, USA). [1976–1999]. 10-trip ticket No. 035932 between Reading (PA) and Pottsville (PA). Issued in Reading on 09.10.1978.

CONRAIL (Consolidated Rail Corporation, EUA). [1976–1999]. Billete núm. 035932 para 10 viajes entre Reading (PA) y Pottsville (PA). Emitido en Reading el 09.10.1978.

CONRAIL (Consolidated Rail Corporation, EUA). [1976–1999]. Bitllet núm. 035932 per a 10 viatges entre Reading (PA) i Pottsville (PA). Emès a Reading el 09.10.1978.

CONRAIL (Consolidated Rail Corporation, EUA). [1976–1999]. Billet nº 035932 pour 10 voyages entre Reading (PA) et Pottsville (PA). Émis à Reading le 09.10.1978.

CONRAIL (Consolidated Rail Corporation, SUA). [1976–1999].  Biglietto nº 035932 per 10 viaggi tra Reading (PA) e Pottsville (PA). Emesso a Reading il 09.10.1978.

Traveler's collection.

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