miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA", General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA" [built in 1953 by Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, Scotland], General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line. Publicitary postcard printed in Genoa, Italy.

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA" [construido en 1953 por Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, Escocia], General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line. Tarjeta postal publicitaria impresa en Génova, Italia.

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA" [construït l'any 1953 per Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, Escòcia], General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line. Targeta postal publicitària impresa a Gènova, Itàlia.

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA" [construit en 1953 par Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, Écosse], General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line. Carte postal publicitaire imprimée à Gênes, Italie.

T.s.s. "OLYMPIA" [costruito nel 1953 da Alexander Stephen & Sons, Glasgow, Scozia], General Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. of Greece, Greek Line. Cartolina pubblicitaria stampata a Genova, Italia.

Traveler's collection.

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