sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

POST OFFICE (United Kingdom). Pillar box designed for use in London in 1856

POST OFFICE (United Kingdom). Pillar box designed for use in London by the Department of Science and Art in 1856. Postcard by Post Office Collections / The National Postal Museum.

POST OFFICE (Correo británico). Buzón diseñado por el Department of Science and Art en 1856 para su uso en Londres. Tarjeta postal de Post Office Collections / The National Postal Museum.

POST OFFICE (Correu britànic). Bústia dissenyada pel Department of Science and Art l'any 1856 per a l'ús a Londres. Targeta postal de Post Office Collections / The National Postal Museum.

POST OFFICE (Poste britannique). Boîte aux lettres designée par le Department of Science and Art en 1856 pour usage à Londres. Carte postale de Post Office Collections / The National Postal Museum.

POST OFFICE (Correo británico). Buca delle lettere disegnata dal Department of Science and Art nel 1856 para uso a Londra. Cartolina di Post Office Collections / The National Postal Museum.

Traveler's collection.

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