sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (England). Sunbeam F4a Trolley Bus (ca. 1949)

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (England). Sunbeam F4a Trolley Bus 862 (ca. 1949). Illustration: G.S. Cooper. Postcard by M.A. Arts, Stafford, B48 Series of Postcards.

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (Inglaterra). Trolebús Sunbeam F4a Nº 862 (hacia 1949). Ilustración: G.S. Cooper. Tarjeta postal de M.A. Arts, Stafford, B48 Series of Postcards.

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (Anglaterra). Trolleibús Sunbeam F4a Nº 862 (cap al 1949). Il·lustració: G.S. Cooper. Targeta postal de M.A. Arts, Stafford, B48 Series of Postcards.

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (Angleterre). Trolleybus Sunbeam F4a Nº 862 (vers 1949). Illustration: G.S. Cooper. Carte postale de M.A. Arts, Stafford, B48 Series of Postcards.

WALSALL CORPORATION TRANSPORT (Inghilterra). FilobusSunbeam F4a Nº 862 (ca. 1949). Illustrazione: G.S. Cooper. Cartolina di M.A. Arts, Stafford, B48 Series of Postcards.

Traveler's collection.

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