lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

One of the original 50 locomotives built by Sharp Bros. (Manchester, England) in 1847

One of the original 50 locomotives built by Sharp Brothers (Manchester, England) in 1847. Postcard by Benham Reproduction card, No. 44.

Una de las 50 locomotoras originales construidas por Sharp Brothers (Manchester, Inglaterra) en 1847. Tarjeta postal de Benham Reproduction card, N.º 44.

Una de les 50 locomotores originals construïdes per Sharp Brothers (Manchester, Anglaterra) l'any 1847. Targeta postal de Benham Reproduction card, núm. 44.

L'une des 50 locomotives originales construites par Sharp Brothers (Manchester, Angleterre) en 1847. Carte postale de Benham Reproduction card, Nº 44.

Una delle 50 locomotives originali costruite da Sharp Brothers (Manchester, Inghilterra) nel 1847. Cartolina di Benham Reproduction card, Nº 44.

Traveler's collection.

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