lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

UNION-CASTLE LINE. Royal Mail Motor Vessel "Carnavon Castle"

UNION-CASTLE LINE [shipping line that operated a fleet of passenger liners and freighters between Europe and Africa from 1900 to 1977] to South and East Africa. Royal Mail Motor Vessel "Carnavon Castle". 20,141 tons. Publicitary postcard posted on board at Southampton (04.11.1955) to Watford (Hertfordshire, England), "Paquebot posted at sea".
[The "Carnavon Castle" was built by Harland and Wolff in Belfast and launched on 14 January 1926. When war broke out she was converted to an Armed Merchant Cruiser in Simonstown in September 1939. Her armament consisted of 8 x 6 inch guns, 
2 x 3 inch anti-aircraft guns and 6 machines guns, and was manned by RN and RNVR personel under Capt. HWM Hardy. HMS "Carnarvon Castle" was stationed in the South Atlantic, partly to counter the threat from German commerce raiders that had been active in the area. On 5 December, roughly 700 miles from Montevideo she sighted an unidentified vessel which was later identified as the commerce raider "Thor". The raider did not answer Carnarvons challenges and the range was closed, with Carnarvon putting a shot across the raiders bows. The raider opened fire and brought her fire to bear on the undergunned Carnarvon. By 0930 the battle was over and the Thor disengaged and sailed off trailing smoke. In the action the Carnarvon had fired over 600 shells and sustained 38 hits and fires but she had survived only looking somewhat the worse for wear. She sailed for Montevideo where she put in for repairs (apparently some of the plating came from the Graf Spee) and then back to Cape Town for permanent repairs. She served mostly as an AMC during the war, being refitted briefly in the USA and fitted with radar. In 1944 she was fitted out as a troopship and spent the rest of the war on the trooping shuttle between America and the United Kingdom. After the war she was used as an immigrant carrier with 1283 berths and was modernised again in 1949-50, her tonnage rising to 20 141 tons. She was put back on the mail service until 1962 when she was withdrawn and finally sent to the breakers. One odd reference to the ships wartime service can be found at Portsmouth (Evergreen) Memorial Park in Virgina in the USA where one of her wartime crew, Able Seaman S.H. Becker of East London has found his rest. (Info from]

UNION-CASTLE LINE [compañía de navegación británica que enlazó Europa y África de 1900 a 1977]. Buque correo "Carnavon Castle" [1926-1962]. Tarjeta postal publicitaria circulada desde en propio buque ("Paquebot posted at sea"), con matasellos de Southampton Paquebot del 04.11.1955, a Watford (Hertfordshire, Inglaterra).

UNION-CASTLE LINE [companyia de navegació britànica que enllaçà Europa i Àfrica de 1900 a 1977]. Vaixell correu "Carnavon Castle" [1926-1962]. Targeta postal publicitària circulada des del vaixell ("Paquebot posted at sea"), amb matasegells de Southampton Paquebot del 04.11.1955, a Watford (Hertfordshire, Anglaterra).

UNION-CASTLE LINE [compagnie de navigation britannique qui faisait le service entre l'Europe et l'Afrique de 1900 à 1977]. Bateau de poste "Carnavon Castle" [1926-1962]. Carte postale publicitaire circulée depuis de bateau ("Paquebot posted at sea"), avec cachet de poste de Southampton Paquebot du 04.11.1955, à Watford (Hertfordshire, Angleterre).

UNION-CASTLE LINE [compagnia di navigazione britannica che faceva il servizio tra l'Europa e l'Africa dal 1900 al 1977]. Nave postale "Carnavon Castle" [1926-1962]. Cartolina pubblicitaria viaggiata dalla stessa nave ("Paquebot posted at sea"), con annullo postale di Southampton Paquebot del 04.11.1955, a Watford (Hertfordshire, Inghilterra).

Traveler's collection.

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